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E150-400T30S LoRa Wireless Acquisition Control Module





[Size]:40.5 * 25 mm

[Introduction]:E150-400T30S is a wireless serial port module (UART) based on LoRa radio frequency chip. It works in the frequency band of 410.125~493.125MHz (default 433.125MHz) and adopts LoRa spread spectrum technology.

No. Name Direction Usage
1 VCC Input Module power positive reference, voltage range: 3.3 ~ 5.5V DC
2 GND Input Module power ground
3 SWCLK Input SWD debug pin
4 NRST Input Reset module pin, it needs to be pulled low for at least 10 ms and then released to perform external reset
5 SWDIO Input SWD debug pin
6 485_EN Output When connecting an external UART to RS485 chip, this pin is used as the control terminal
7 AUX Output Used to indicate the working status of the module, or to wake up an external MCU
8 RXD Input TTL serial input, connect to external TXD output pin, pull-up input
9 TXD Output TTL serial output, connect to external RXD input pin 10 GND Input Module power ground
11 ANT output/output RF signal output/output terminal, IPEX interface, for connecting the antenna
12 GND Input Module power ground
13 GND Input Module power ground
14 GND Input Module power ground
15 GND Input Module power ground
16 PWM1 output PWM Output
17 PWM2 output PWM Output 18 GND Input Module power ground
19 DAC1 output DAC output pin 20 DAC2 output DAC output pin
21 ADC1 Input ADC input pin for voltage measurement (0~5V)
22 ADC2 Input ADC input pin for voltage measurement (0~5V)
23 ADC4 Input ADC input pin for current measurement (0~20mA)
24 ADC5 Input ADC input pin for current measurement (0~20mA)
25 DI1 Input (very weak pull-up) Digital input, IO status can be inquired through Modbus commands
26 DI2 Input (very weak pull-up) Digital input, IO status can be inquired through Modbus commands
27 DI3 Input (very weak pull-up) Digital input, IO status can be inquired through Modbus commands
28 DI4 Input (very weak pull-up) Digital input, IO status can be inquired through Modbus commands
29 DO1 output (open drain) Open-drain output, pull-up resistor must be added externally, otherwise it cannot output high level
30 DO2 output (open drain) Open-drain output, pull-up resistor must be added externally, otherwise it cannot output high level
31 DO3 output (push-pull) Push-pull output
32 DO4 output (push-pull) Push-pull output